Asymptotically Optimal Fixed-Budget Best Arm Identification with Variance-Dependent Bounds

Published: 20 Jun 2023, Last Modified: 11 Jul 2023ILHF Workshop ICML 2023EveryoneRevisions
Keywords: Best arm identification
Abstract: We investigate the problem of fixed-budget best arm identification (BAI) for minimizing expected simple regret. In an adaptive experiment, a decision maker draws one of multiple treatment arms based on past observations and observes the outcome of the drawn arm. After the experiment, the decision maker recommends the treatment arm with the highest expected outcome. We evaluate the decision based on the expected sim- ple regret, which is the difference between the expected outcomes of the best arm and the recommended arm. Due to inherent uncertainty, we evaluate the regret using the minimax criterion. First, we derive asymptotic lower bounds for the worst-case expected simple regret, which are characterized by the variances of potential outcomes (leading factor). Based on the lower bounds, we propose the Two-Stage (TS)-Hirano- Imbens-Ridder (HIR) strategy, which utilizes the HIR estimator (Hirano et al., 2003) in recommending the best arm. Our theoretical analysis shows that the TS-HIR strategy is asymptotically minimax optimal, meaning that the leading factor of its worst-case expected simple regret matches our derived worst-case lower bound. Addition- ally, we consider extensions of our method, such as the asymptotic optimality for the probability of misidentification. Finally, we validate the proposed method’s effectiveness through simulations
Submission Number: 45