Intent-conditioned and Non-toxic Counterspeech Generation using Multi-Task Instruction Tuning with RLAIFDownload PDF


16 Dec 2023ACL ARR 2023 December Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Counterspeech, defined as a response to mitigate online hate speech, is increasingly used as a non-censorial solution. Addressing hate speech effectively involves dispelling the stereotypes, prejudices, and biases often subtly implied in brief, single-sentence statements or abuses. These implicit expressions challenge language models, especially in seq2seq tasks, as model performance typically excels with longer contexts. Our study introduces CoARL, a novel framework enhancing counterspeech generation by modeling the pragmatic implications underlying social biases in hateful statements. CoARL’s first two phases involve sequential multi-instruction tuning, teaching the model to understand intents, reactions, and harms of offensive statements, and then learning task-specific low-rank adapter weights for generating intent-conditioned counterspeech. The final phase uses reinforcement learning to fine-tune outputs for effectiveness and nontoxicity. CoARL outperforms existing benchmarks in intent-conditioned counterspeech generation, showing an average improvement of ∼3 points in intent-conformity and ∼4 points in argument-quality metrics. Extensive human evaluation supports CoARL’s efficacy in generating superior and more context-appropriate responses compared to existing systems, including prominent LLMs like ChatGPT.
Paper Type: long
Research Area: Computational Social Science and Cultural Analytics
Contribution Types: Model analysis & interpretability, NLP engineering experiment, Data resources
Languages Studied: English
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