Diffusion Model-Augmented Behavioral Cloning

Published: 19 Jun 2023, Last Modified: 09 Jul 2023Frontiers4LCDEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: Imitation Learning, Learning from Demonstration, Diffusion Models, Behavioral Cloning
TL;DR: This work proposes an imitation learning method that augments behavioral cloning with diffusion models trained to model the expert's demonstrations.
Abstract: Imitation learning addresses the challenge of learning by observing an expert’s demonstrations without access to reward signals from the environment. Most existing imitation learning methods that do not require interacting with the environment either model the expert distribution as the conditional probability p(a|s) (e.g., behavioral cloning, BC) or the joint probability p(s, a) (e.g., implicit behavioral cloning). Despite its simplicity, modeling the conditional probability with BC usually struggles with generalization. While modeling the joint probability can lead to improved generalization performance, the inference procedure can be time-consuming and it often suffers from manifold overfitting. This work proposes an imitation learning framework that benefits from modeling both the conditional and joint probability of the expert distribution. Our proposed diffusion model-augmented behavioral cloning (DBC) employs a diffusion model trained to model expert behaviors and learns a policy to optimize both the BC loss (conditional) and our proposed diffusion model loss (joint). DBC outperforms baselines in various continuous control tasks in navigation, robot arm manipulation, dexterous manipulation, and locomotion. We design additional experiments to verify the limitations of modeling either the conditional probability or the joint probability of the expert distribution as well as compare different generative models.
Submission Number: 121